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Supporting individual creations for beautiful souls. Transforming energy into sound and vibration, touching and vibrating in the hearts of humanity, the world and the all-interweaving.

The Love foundation is seeded with unconditional love. 
Feel invited to donate your gift into the creation of MeteoriteGongs, supporting people on their life path. For purity, love, sensitivity and trust in our world. As sensitivity is amplyfing the all-interconnection, consciousness and the voice of intuition and unconditional love.
Being and walking the path brings synchronicity and wonders into our world - creations and encounters happen when we trust, a world vibrating on the frequency of love.


When you are called for a creation path and you are looking for financial, energetic support - please get in contact.

With Love

Pauline Fabry | Studio Volcano Etna

Dipl. Media Art | Meteorite Gong | Hypnosis Coach

Contact and Booking

+ 49 176  23979325 |

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